Communications and Humanities building breeze way on a sunny afternoon

Communications and Humanities

Communications is the exchange of thoughts and ideas through reading, writing, speaking, and listening. In communications, we offer general education composition courses and elective courses in:

  • English
  • Humanities
  • Speech & Forensics
  • Foreign Language
  • Fine & Performing Arts
  • Developmental Reading
  • Developmental Writing

Humanities is the study of the artistic and intellectual expressions of various cultures. It includes music history, art history, drama, literature, religion, and philosophy. Humanities courses can be used to fulfill general education requirements for the Associate of Arts degree. Some courses fulfill the requirements for Associate of Science degrees.

Apply to TSC Click Here

Writing Champions

Writing Champions are students who are paired with a faculty member to assist with student success and serve as a combination of peer mentors and peer tutors. Writing Champions enrich their own professional collaboration and writing skills through this faculty pairing. They are students recognized for exemplary written communication and critical thinking skills and their ability to explain rhetorical and linguistic concepts clearly to others.


  • Successfully completed one English course at TSC
  • English GPA of 3.0 or greater and cumulative GPA of 2.8 or greater
  • Completed application and interview

Responsibilities – 7 hours per week

  • Attend class and assist students during class (3 hours per week).
  • Attend training sessions that prepare you for tutoring and develop leadership skills
  • Assist students during class
  • Hold peer-mentoring sessions three hours per week in the TSC Writing Center in the Learning Commons. In these sessions Writing Champions will:
    • Assist students in reviewing and clarifying information covered in class
    • Assist students in improving their study skills
    • Assist students in achieving subject mastery


  • Tuition scholarship valued at $1000
  • Early registration
  • Professional development of collaboration skills
  • Professional development of writing and critical thinking skills
  • Strengthened resume experience that combines communication and leadership proficiencies


Interested in becoming a Writing Champion?

Click here to apply

Arts and Culture

TSC provides a variety of ways for students to explore their creativity and enrich their academic experience.

Learn more about Arts and Culture at TSC

Division Directory

Division Office Staff

Mr. Donmetrie Clark, Dean
Phone: (850) 201-6070
Email: [email protected] 

Melissa Scalzi, Associate Dean
Phone: (850) 201-6645
Email: [email protected] 

Ms. Regina Joseph, Staff Assistant I
Phone: (850) 201-6144
Email: [email protected]  

Mr. Gregory D. Williams, Staff Assistant I
Phone: (850) 201-8361
Email: [email protected] 


English Faculty

Mr. Forster Agama
Office: EN 261
Phone: (850) 201-8058
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. Daniel Beugnet
Office: EN 223D
Phone: (850) 201-9667
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Ceron Bryant
Office: EN 214
Phone: (850) 201-8057
Email: [email protected] 

Ms. Nicolette Costantino
Office: EN 255
Phone: (850) 201-6512
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Amber Cresgy
Office: EN 262
Phone: (850) 201-8034
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. Larry Crombie
Office: EN 254
Phone: (850) 201-8039
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Alexa Doran
Office: EN 259
Phone: (850) 201-8217
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Gareth Euridge, English Program Chair
Office: EN 216
Phone: (850) 201-8051
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Lauren Fletcher
Office: CH 225
Phone: (850) 201-8724
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. Reggie Grant
Office: EN 217
Phone: (850) 201-8055
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Wolfgang Lepschy
Office: EN 111
Phone: (850) 201-8042
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Jenny McHenry
Office: EN 218
Phone: (850) 201-9605
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Cathryn Meyer
Office: EN 215
Phone: (850) 201-9948
Email: [email protected] 

Ms. Eva Nielsen
Office: EN 211
Phone: (850) 201-9882
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Teresa Paliwoda
Office: EN 221
Phone: (850) 201-8050
Email: [email protected] 

Ms. Brenda Reid
Office: EN 263
Phone: (850) 201-8052
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Donya Samara
Office: EN 213
Phone: (850) 201-8054
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Kelly Thayer
Office: CH 224
Phone: (850) 201-8038
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Kenya Thompkins
Office: EN 260
Phone: (850) 201-8040
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. David Valladares
Office: EN 258
Phone: (850) 201-9876
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Lu Vickers
Office: EN 219
Phone: (850) 201-8046
Email: [email protected]

Mrs. Amanda Wallace
Office: CH 207
Phone: (850) 201-9919
Email: [email protected] 

Humanities Faculty

Dr. Roy Barineau, Humanities Program Chair
Office: CH 277
Phone: (850) 201-8359
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Sara Brown
Office: CH 280
Phone: (850) 201-9891
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. Robert Fleischmann
Office: CH 184
Phone: (850) 201-8358
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. Kermit Harrison
Office: CH 282
Phone: (850) 201-6047
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Fred Owens
Office: CH 279
Phone: (850) 201-8363
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Elise Ray - Mohallil
Office: CH 278
Phone: (850) 201-9736
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Jen Robinson
Office: CH 182
Phone: (850) 201-8365
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Lindsey Smitherman-Brown
Office: CH 276
Phone: (850) 201-8035
Email: [email protected] 


Speech Faculty

Mr. Braze Brickwedel
Office: EN 212
Phone: (850) 201-8721
Email: [email protected] 

Mr. John Schultz, Speech & Foreign Language Program Chair
Office: EN 210
Phone: (850) 201-8037
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Sarah Smitherman
Office: EN 220
Phone: (850) 201-9872
Email: [email protected] 

Art Faculty

Mrs. Julie Baroody
Office: CH 183
Phone: (850) 201-8713
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Ljiljana Obradovic-Edmiston
Office: CH 181
Phone: (850) 201-8787
Email: [email protected] 

Foreign Language Faculty

Ms. Megan Mahoney
Office: CH 209
Phone: (850) 201-8662
Email: [email protected] 

Mrs. Maria Suarez
Office: SMA 238
Phone: (850) 201-8369
Email: [email protected] 

Dr. Rosalinda Wright
Office: CH 204
Phone: (850) 201-8357
Email: [email protected] 


Contact Us


English Building, Room 241
444 Appleyard Drive, Tallahassee, FL 32304
View the Campus Map


Monday - Friday | 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.


Contact Info

Donmetrie Clark, Dean
Melissa Scalzi, Associate Dean
Phone: (850) 201-6645
Fax: (850) 201-8245