Faculty Senate

TSC is the college of choice for academic and career programs providing innovative teaching and learning experiences that facilitate student success and completion. The faculty of TSC play a vital role in the success of the College. Guided by the principles of participatory democracy, the aim of the TSC Faculty Senate is to represent and engage the voice of the faculty in academic matters as part of the shared governance of the College.

In particular, the purpose of the Faculty Senate is to:

  • promote communication between the faculty and other groups on campus,
  • provide a collaborative forum for discussing and making recommendations on academic matters, such as instruction, curriculum, academic programs and policies, faculty professional development and advising, as well as student success inside and outside of the classroom, 
  • maintain high academic standards, promoting excellence in teaching, learning, curriculum, advising, and service,
  • serve as an advisory body within the organizational structure of the College to further the mission of Tallahassee State College.

The Faculty Senate Chair and Chair-elect serve as the officers of the Senate, representing the voice of the faculty in academic matters.  The input from the faculty is collected through formal and informal channels, including regularly held Senate meetings and thorough division representation on the Faculty Senate steering committee.


Nancy Donovan | College Success Faculty

[email protected] (850) 201-8459

Start of the two-year term: July 2023

Chair Elect

Suzanne Ferrell-Lock | Math Faculty

[email protected] (850) 201-8236

Start of the two-year term: July 2023

The members of the Steering Committee act as representatives of faculty from their respective divisions and shall communicate the actions and decisions of the Committee to division faculty via email or using other means. The steering committee consists of the Chair, Chair-elect, and immediate past chair, Julie Baroody, (CH), as well as members from each of the following divisions of the College.  

Communications and Humanities (CH)

Donya Samara | English Faculty

[email protected]  (850) 201-8054

Vacant Position


Science and Mathematics (SM)

Martin Balinsky | Earth Science Faculty

[email protected] | (850) 201-8125

Bob Lutz | Earth Science Faculty

[email protected]  (850) 201-8131


Social Sciences (SS)

Jarrett Phipps | History/Anthropology Faculty

[email protected] (850) 201-6656

Brian Kupfer | Political Science Faculty

[email protected]  (850) 201-9951


Business, Industry, and Technology (BIT)

Sue Bickford | Computer Programming Faculty

[email protected]  (850) 201-8277

Brendan Gressel | Cybersecurity Faculty

[email protected] (850) 201-8336


Health Care Professions (HCP)

Carolyn Lytle | Nursing Faculty

[email protected] (850) 558-4521

Jeff Fillingim | Radiologic Technology Faculty

[email protected] (850) 558-4519


Library (LIB)

Jules Bailey | Librarian Faculty

[email protected] (850) 558-4560



Daniella Cross-Wilkins |  Social Sciences Adjunct Faculty

[email protected]  (850) 201-8932

Schedule and Minutes

The Chair and Chair-elect meet with the Provost monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year or more as needed.  The meeting schedule and minutes will be posted here.


Schedule  Minutes 


Schedule, Agenda, and Minutes

The Senate shall meet in regular and special sessions as follows.  In regular session in September and January for the fall and spring semester meetings, respectively, provided that each meeting be held within the first four weeks of classes of each semester; in November and April prior to the end of the regular faculty contract period.  The meeting schedule, agenda, and minutes will be posted here.


Schedule  Agenda  Minutes 


Schedule and Minutes

The Steering Committee meets monthly during the Fall and Spring semesters of the academic year and in special sessions as required.  The Steering Committee shall distribute the minutes of all Steering Committee meetings to the Senate membership. The meeting schedule and minutes will be posted here.


Schedule  Minutes